Health and COVID-19
As always, Elysian Hair and Makeup Studio is a positive, happy and COVID safe space. I follow all restrictions and guidelines set by the NSW Government and am registered as a Covid Safe business.
I take pro-actively managing my Covid risk very seriously to ensure the safety of my family, myself, my clients and the uninterrupted continuation of my business. I take all possible precautions and uphold a strict and stringent hygiene procedures to avoid and limit contamination and spread of infection. I am vaccinated with all doses up to date.
You are welcome to use the seating in the outdoor area as you enjoy your refreshments while your colour is processing. Refreshments are provided in single use cups/bottles.
All furniture, and surfaces touched by clients and myself are cleaned after each service. Equipment is cleaned and disinfected/sanitised after use and capes and towels are laundered between clients.
Clients are encouraged to bring their own reading material.
As I am not able to physically distance, I continue to wear a face mask for everyone’s safety.
I work in close proximity to people when doing hair and makeup so I kindly ask for everyone’s assistance by adhering to these Conditions of Service so that I can fulfill my commitment to you and other clients after you.
- Please ensure you are healthy and do not have any contagious illnesses or conditions (see below).
- If you are at all unwell, even a cold, please do not attend your appointment. Call to reschedule.
- If you have had close contact of a confirmed Covid case, please do not attend your appointment, call to reschedule.
- If you have recently had Covid, you must have had NO SYMPTOMS whatsoever in the 72 hours prior to your appointment.
- Sanitise hands before, during and after your service.
I have a right to work in a healthy and safe environment. Depending on the seriousness of the condition/situation, I may refuse to provide or cancel my services in part or in full at any time, at my sole discretion and without warning, refund or compensation, unless otherwise agreed. This Is to ensure that my health and wellbeing (as well as that of my subsequent clients) is protected. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
Reasons for refusal include, but are not limited to extreme lateness, inappropriate behaviour such as as intimidation, mistreatment, violence, threatening behaviour, iIntoxication or abusive language, and/or if anyone is showing any signs of contagious illness or contagious disease.
If anyone presents with any contagious illness, condition or symptoms, you must notifiy me immediately, preferably as soon as possible before the Service Date. This includes, but it not limited to:
COVID-19, flu, cold, contagious respiratory illnesses or symptoms including cough, sore throat, fever, runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath; contagious viral or bacterial illnesses; vomiting, diarrhoea; contagious skin, eye or lip conditions: conjunctivitis, eye styes/cysts, cold sores, ringworm, open wounds/cuts on the face and neck, staph infection; head lice.
Most importantly, I need to be able to take precautions to protect my health and protect products, brushes and tools from contamination. If you do not inform me of such contagious conditions or illnesses, you may be required to compensate Elysian for any products, brushes and/or tools which may become, or are likely to become, contaminated as a result of your condition or illness.
Thank you for your understanding.